Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Medicines That Help You Treat Allergic Reaction This Season

An allergy is a common and distressing health issue experienced by many people, irrespective of age and gender. In winter, people are readily affected by allergies mainly due to extreme coldness wherein viruses and pathogens survive and invade the human body to produce an allergic reaction. Nevertheless, there are few medicines that help treat allergic reaction this season.

Generally, allergies are incurable, but they are treatable with several types of medications, which are available both as prescription and over the counter allergy medicine. These medicines help ease and manage distressing allergic symptoms such as runny or stuffy nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, red/itchy eyes, headache and mild cough.The allergy medicines include antihistamines, decongestants, corticosteroids and immunotherapy. Allergy shots are also prescribed in advanced case, so that a person’s ability to combat allergens is enhanced.

What is an allergy?

Before knowing about the allergy remedies or medicines, you should be aware of the pathology of allergy. An allergy is an exaggerated response of the body due to interaction between oversensitive immune system and allergens. Allergens are foreign substances that invade the body to produce an allergic reaction. During this process, the body spontaneously release histamine, a chemical that is responsible for inflammation and allergic symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes and mild fever. In addition, many people also experience skin rashes when an allergic reaction takes place.

Best Allergy Medicines


Antihistamines are those medications that inhibit the secretion of histamine in the body. These allergy medicines block histamine by suppressing the histamine receptors. Few antihistamines are available over the counter (OTC), while few after providing prescription. These medicines include –
OTC – Generic Allegra, GenericClaritin and Generic Zyrtec
Prescription – Generic Xyzal


Decongestants are helpful in relieving nasal congestion. They are often available in the form of nasal sprays. Afrin and Neo-Synephrine nasal sprays are useful decongestants in relieving the symptoms of runny or stuffy nose. These decongestants are usually given in conjunction with antihistamines for prompt recovery.

Leukotriene Inhibitors

These types of medicines are used for allergies or allergic asthma. Generic Singulair (Montelukast) is a popular leukotriene inhibitor that eradicate and prevent allergic symptoms by suppressing the production of leukotriene.      


Oral or nasal sprays that contain corticosteroids are helpful in eliminating chronic allergic symptoms. GenericOmnaris and Generic Flonase are few steroid-based nasal sprays for allergic nasal symptoms.

Immunotherapy (allergy shots) is one of the most effective allergy treatments, especially in chronic and severe cases. This therapy help enhance your immunity to build tolerance against allergens.

For seasonal allergy relief, the above mentioned treatments are helpful. For skin allergy medicine or allergy medicine while pregnant, it is recommended to have a word with the medical professional.

The physician, after assessing your allergic reaction and complexity, will prescribe you suitable allergy medicine or a combination of abovementioned medicines. For instance, he/she may advise you an antihistamine drug and a decongestant for instant relief from allergy. Hence, it is always better to consult doctor before even using an OTC allergy medicine.

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