Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Amazing Foods That Help Fight Diabetes

Can you control and prevent diabetes simply by eating the right kinds of foods? Of course, Yes! Foods that are rich in essential nutrients help stabilize blood glucose levels, and protect you from diabetic complications.    

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition characterized by the high blood sugar levels. Millions of people, across the globe, have diabetes and many more are expected in near future. Typically, it was considered as an age-related disease, but now it is also seen in children. The exact cause of diabetes is not clearly understood, but in majority of the cases, there is a genetic predisposing factor.

Unhealthy lifestyles such as poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, sedentary habits, smoking, alcohol, and drug abuse are common risk factors of diabetes. Just by making changes in your lifestyle, you can fight diabetes, effectively. Listed are few foods that can help fight diabetes –

Apples – Apples are high in Quercetin that help fight and prevent diabetes. This compound is also found in onions, dark green leafy veggies, berries and tomatoes.

Brown Rice – Brown rice is rich in dietary fibers that help manage diabetes. A specific compound in brown rice helps in reducing arterial and nerve damage caused by high blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon Cinnamon is one of the most potent home remedies for managing high blood sugar levels. Health experts say that half teaspoon of cinnamon on daily basis can increase the function of insulin that help convert sugar into energy. It also improves overall blood circulation.

Citrus Fruits
– Citrus fruits are loaded vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, which help prevent diabetes. Fruits such as orange, lemon, strawberries and black berries are rich sources of vitamin C. Also, they are high in fiber, low in fat and packed with healthy nutrients that help fight diabetes.

Legumes – Chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans and cannelloni are healthy legumes that are high in fiber and protein, and low in fat and calories. They help reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

– Studies have showed that people who consume nuts on regular basis are less likely to catch diabetes or heart disease. Walnuts, almonds, pistachios and peanuts are helpful in preventing diabetes. However, one should not indulge in excessive consumption of these nuts.
Dark Green Leafy Veggies – Kale, collard greens and spinach are great sources of a carotenoid, Lutein, which is good against diabetes. They are loaded with dietary fibers, Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C, iron and calcium. They are specifically good for eye health, especially in diabetic subjects.

Green Tea
– Diabetes is believed to be caused by chronic inflammation in the body. Hence, it is becomes essential to reduce the inflammation in order to prevent and fight diabetes. Drinking green tea on regular basis can help reduce chronic inflammation, because it contains potent antioxidants – flavonoids.

Dark Chocolate
– Researchers discovered that dark chocolate contains certain elements that improve insulin sensitivity, thereby managing type 2 diabetes. It also manages high blood pressures level, reduces bad cholesterol and improves blood circulation. However, overindulgence is prohibited, as it may lead to obesity.

These are indeed the best foods for diabetics, though it is recommended to seek proper medical help before consuming any of them. You can also consult a nutritionist to know more about the food list for diabetics.

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