Monday, January 11, 2016

Effective Ways To Treat Cold

Cold and flu are common health issues that are actually incurable, but treatable. Over-the-counter medicines can help reduce symptoms, but they do not provide permanent cure. Or else, you can approach some effective natural ways or home remedies that can make you feel much better in the long run.

Pathogenic virus causes common cold. Runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, congestion and dry cough are common symptoms of cold. Flu symptoms are also similar, but it is characterized by fever, muscle soreness and headache. OTC medicines treat flu and cold, but they do not provide permanent relief. There are few quick natural cold remedies that might ease the nasal symptoms. 

Listed are few common cold remedies –

Blow Nose Often

When you suffer from cold or flu, it is imperative to blow your nose frequently. Do not sniff the mucus back in your nose. However, if you blow hard, you can get an earache due to pressure. So be careful while blowing nose. Press one nostril with your finger and blow your other nostril gently to clear the mucus. Wash your hands thoroughly after this procedure.
Get Adequate Rest

Adequate amount of rest is a must when you suffer from flu or cold. Sleeping is a process during which your body undergoes repair and regeneration, thereby allowing immune system to combat foreign substances. So just take rest by lying under a warm blanket.

Have A Steamy Shower

Do you want to know how to beat cold and flu easily? Just take a steamy bath. Hot water shower moisturizes nasal passages and promotes relaxation. If you are chronic sufferer of flu or cold, just stand under a steamy shower and take a sponge bath. In addition, it will loosen your mucus that is eliminated through nasal passages.
Warm Water Gargle

Warm water gargling moistens a sore and painful throat, and provides instant relief. Add a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with the solution at least four times a day.
Consume hot liquids

Herbal teas or hot liquids like soup relieve nasal congestion or obstruction. Hot liquids help soothe inflamed membranes of throat and nose. Having chicken soup or drinking hot tea can relieve sore throat and cold.   

·  Hot Or Cold Applications

Hot or cold application may help you feel more relaxed. Just apply cold or hot packs across your congested sinuses to get rid of nasal congestion.

·         Do Not Fly

Do not aggravate your cold or flu by flying high. Flying with flu or cold symptoms can hurt your eardrums, as the pressure during take-off and landing is relatively high. If at all you want to fly, use a decongestant nasal spray.

Usually, these tips are effective in treating cold. But if you fail to notice improvement with them, seek medical help. The doctor may prescribe a combination of medicines that include antipyretic, cough medication, decongestants, and antihistamines. In the meantime, you can apply a menthol-based topical cream to relieve chest congestion. Remember, if you have severe cold symptoms and feeling more feverish, immediately see a doctor.

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