Monday, January 4, 2016

Breast Cancer – When To Consult Doctor When You Find Something Unusual?


Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting millions of women across the globe. In fact, it is the leading cause of death in women. It is highly imperative to known about breast cancer. More importantly, you should consult your doctor immediately when you find something unusual in your breast.

Breast cancer is a type of tumor that forms in the breast tissue or cells. In the United States, breast cancer is more common in women after skin cancer. This kind of malignancy is seen in both men and women, but it is predominantly seen in women. Nevertheless, with the help of proper screening, early diagnosis and advancement in treatment, the mortality rate has been decreased and survival rate has been increased.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

·         Breast lumps
·         Breast pain
·         Blood or abnormal discharge from the nipple
·         Alteration in the shape, size and appearance of breast
·         Changes over breast skin
·         Inverted nipple
·         Affected area becomes pigmented with flaking and scaling
·         Redness with tenderness
·         Pitting of skin

If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, even if the recent mammogram is normal, then immediately see your doctor for timely medical intervention. These symptoms may indicate a cancerous tumor. Thick, hard and painful lump in breast can be a sign of breast cancer. Early detection of breast cancer types and their treatments can increase your chances of survival.

Diagnosis of breast cancer

A series of medical examinations is required to detect breast cancer. You need certain tests and procedures to diagnose this type of malignancy, which include –

·         Breast examination – Your doctor will thoroughly check your breasts and nearby lymph nodes to palpate any lumps.

·         Mammogram – This is a kind of X-ray of the breast, which is used to detect breast cancer. If any changes are observed in screening mammogram, your physician may evaluate further with the help of a diagnostic mammogram.

·         Breast Ultrasound – Ultrasound is a type of diagnostic tool to study deeper structures of the body through sound waves. This may help determine a solid mass or a simple cyst.

·         Breast MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) – In this procedure, the affected part is exposed to certain radio and magnetic waves to get the clear picture of deeper structures of the breast.

·         Biopsy – In this investigation, a small sample of breast cells or tissue is removed and sent to laboratory for histopathology analysis. This will determine whether the cells are cancerous on benign. With the help of this investigation, the type and grade of cancer can be evaluated.

These are commonly advised tests for diagnosing breast cancer. You may require other tests as well, which depend on the situation.

Breast Cancer – Risk Factors
There are few risk factors associated with breast cancer. Having one or more risk factors does not essentially mean you will develop breast cancer. But avoiding them can greatly reduce the chance of catching this disease.Following are risk factors –
  •          Being female
  •          Old age
  •          Family history of breast cancer
  •          Past history of breast cancer
  •          Inherited genetic influence
  •          Obesity
  •          Smoking
  •          Chronic alcoholism 
  •          Radiation
  •          Post-menopausal age
  •          Hormonal therapy
  •          Conceiving at an old age
  •          Poor dietary habits
  •          Sedentary lifestyle

Consult your healthcare specialist right away when you notice a lump found in breast so that timely assistance can be implemented.

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